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The Word — silk

It is snowing outside, but getting hot in here!

Luxxie Boston blog It is snowing outside, but getting hot in here!
Boston has done it again with record breaking snowfall this winter, but while the snow was piling up outside, we were inside showing off our deliciously silky designs. Nothing stopped the Luxxie team from doing what we do best - bringing classy back.

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The Lazy Laundress - The Easiest Way to Clean your Luxxie

Luxxie Boston blog The Lazy Laundress - The Easiest Way to Clean your Luxxie

No one is lazier at doing laundry than me, Stefanie, co-founder of Luxxie Boston.  When developing our silk based product, I wanted to make sure the care instructions were as low maintenance as possible.  Then you continue world domination.  That was the whole point.  I wanted to make a product that frees you from wardrobe discomfort and other ancient notions for women.

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Throwing a "Fit" (Party)

Luxxie Boston blog Throwing a
Luxxie Boston collaborated with Lighter, to hold the first ever "Fit" Party this past Saturday.  The two startups aim to disrupt two industries that traditionally prey on women's insecurities - food and fashion.  

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Feminism Is En Vogue Once Again - Thanks Chanel.

Luxxie Boston blog Feminism Is En Vogue Once Again - Thanks Chanel.
Today women are achieving unprecedented success; we are the healthiest, wealthiest, most educated group of women known to existence.   Women who don’t have to deal with wardrobe malfunctions have the advantage of walking into any room feeling comfortable, confident and sexy. They can focus on bigger issues and alter the course of history.  

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What's old is new - Luxxie Boston tells Wall St. the Slip is the next BIG IDEA!

Luxxie Boston blog What's old is new - Luxxie Boston tells Wall St. the Slip is the next BIG IDEA!
When CNBC approached us to be featured on PowerPitch, we were insanely excited for the opportunity especially since we only went to market 6 weeks ago!  Given this was my first time on cable TV, I was nervous.  I had no idea how I was going to react in front of the camera.  Armed with my Burgundy Bralette Silk Slip with lace my body temperature was wonderfully regulated and all I had to do was remind myself to breathe.

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