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The Right Lace At The Right Time


The weather can be brutal.  Here in Boston, we can experience all four seasons in one day.  Our ladies have to be ready for anything Mother Nature throws their way.  Let's not also forget "Bottomgate."  We have all heard of the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton's horrendous experience while walking in Australia on a windy day.  You can consider a slip your insurance policy against such an international incident!  

Seriously, the next time you think about wearing a wrap dress, don't you think you should pair it with something that keeps you walking with confidence.  With our silk based garment, your Luxxie Bralette Slip is insulating and breathable.  Let the weather bring its worst.  You are armed with your Luxxie.


 IMAGE: Luxxie Boston Bralette Lace Slip in Burgundy



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